3 signs that often point to an unhealthy relationship | FASTBAZE.com

3 signs that often point to an unhealthy relationship

3 signs that often point to an unhealthy relationship 

Seeing some of these signs does not necessarily mean you're headed for a breakup.

It just only means your relationship is quite sick; and when one falls sick, the best thing to do is to look for ways to get healthy again, right?
So, here are three big signs that should send you a red alert that all is not well with your relationship.
play The happiness and satisfaction is no longer as good as it used to be (Green News)

1.You begin to see your partner less than they are

A certain study once pointed to the fact that when you’re really in love, you unconsciously place your partner on a high pedestal, which is why you often see just the best in them.

So, if you suddenly start to see your partner as ordinary in the looks, intelligence, and kindness departments, or their good qualities start to diminish, it could be a sign that your relationship is unhealthy

2. The relationship gives no satisfaction

Once dissatisfaction begins to creep into the relationship, it could be a strong pointer at the unhealthy state of that relationship.
If you and your partner can no longer derive joy in the little things that used to mean a lot to you, or in the moments that once used to bond you closer, it means something has gone wrong and could be the death of that relationship.

3. You feel stuck in the relationship

This is usually related to a lack of satisfaction, or loss of happiness in a reationship.
If you ever feel like you want out of a relationship, surely you probably will get out eventually, exceot you somehow rediscover the spark that used to make the relationship a comfortable haven for you.
Being in a relationship is meant to be fun and easy, not forced and unhappy.
If you ever find yourself lacking these things with a partner, that relationship is unhealthy for you, and the earlier you found a solution to it, the better.


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